

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

The People, Yes


The approach to this project has shifted measurably over the past year.


After failing to find folks exclusive to the homeless community to blog, I attempted to work with a few advocacy groups in town to cross-post their community work to TPY. Unfortunately, most groups in town do not have a modern communication platform (i.e. blogs, podcast, etc.), so the shift in approach relied on me not only convincing them of the utility of such services, but potentially collaborating to build out such platforms.


I'm still interested in providing such services, but the ramp up to launching TPY came to a screeching halt due to such obsticles.


So, what one might call failure, I call sketching.



A New Approach


photograph by Lisa Scheer


In the near future, I'll begin to look for local photographers, videographers and interviewers to take to the streets, offices, bus stops, bars, etc. of Greensboro, North Carolina to find ordinary people willing to talk about their lives; from their day-to-day realities to their dreams, hopes and aspirations.


The website will become a spot to post the resulting vignettes.


Based on the interest level of the community, I'll decide on where to go from there.


All this being said, the federal non-profit status of TPY will be put on hold.


A big thanks to the Board members who signed on last year to help me with this project -- Ben Hwang, Ethan Zuckerman, Ndesanjo Macha and Cara Michele Forrest. I'd be a lucky dude to work with any of them on anything down the road.


-Sean Coon

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